Buffalo Mozzarella (Spring-Autumn)
We are proud to be making Buffalo Mozzarella with milk from our own herd of Italian Water Buffalo. The Buffalo are milked by Micheal Dorney between Spring and late Autumn at his farm in Kilnaglory. Here, the animals can graze freely on grass pastures almost year round yielding a nutrient rich milk that is high in milk solids; perfect in particular for 'Pasta Filata' cheeses like Mozzarella.
We collect the milk fresh from Michael's farm and once it arrives at the dairy it is thermised. This gentle treatment cleans up the milk without compromising the flavours or composition required for good cheesemaking. We culture the milk with our ripened whey and milk starter and it is let to acidify. This folk technique is helps the development the unique flavour of our Mozzarella. Once the curd has been drained of it's whey and shredded, we add hot water and stretch it by hand in a traditional mastello. By stretching or 'spinning' the curd using this ancient technique we achieve a layered texture that helps to retain cream in the finished cheese, giving it an irresistably juicy bite. The use of whey and milk starter drives the distinctive flavour profile of our Mozzarella and contributes a delicious umami character, something you cannot find in the commercially produced Mozzarella available in large supermarket chains. It is best enjoyed fresh!
When available our Buffalo Mozzarella is delivered within 24 hours of production be it to our market stalls, to our wholesale clients or our online shop customers. When Mozzarella is fresh, it's texture and flavour are beyond comparison. Providing this experience to our customers is our passion.